Salomé Mooij, performer and theater maker, was born in The Hague on December 10, 1990. After high school, she traveled to Belgium to study Philosophy at the University of Ghent and Theater Directing at the RITCS (Brussels). In the coming years, Salomé will focus on developing her artistic practice. In doing so, she will be supported by C-Takt, De Brakke Grond, wpZimmer, De Nwe Vorst and METROPOLIS/KIT.
Salomé makes insitu work at the intersection of performance and artistic research: physical thinking exercises characterized by a desire to explore, unfold and connect the micro and macro levels of our existence. Within these theatrical frameworks she explores the connections that are possible between different realities in the city, with a special focus on that which is hidden from view. By magnifying details, she hopes to make visible a field of forces, in which the audience may examine its own relationship as a participant.
Recently, Salomé worked on Proximics, a performance about proximity. Based on Edward T. Hall’s book, The Hidden Dimension, she practices relating to the other and the space between us through various proximities, distances and approaches. Sometimes this is an awkward exercise, a most clumsy act, is sometimes unintelligible and sometimes too loud, stays too far or comes too close; one thing is clear: in any case, it cannot be done without the other.