Space oriented Artistic Practice

SoAP is a practice in which both the artistic work and the working method continuously emerge from and with the environment.

Our mission is to create innovative and artistically high-quality projects that move with the times, always in collaboration with others. We hold on to mobility. In the coming years, we will relate more than before to the other, both the human and the non-human other. We are turning further outward, advocating for unfinished work, and deepening our exploration of what we call adding on.

The projects take place in a variety of contexts and locations, often in public spaces. Just like the performative work, this website is a snapshot, showing each month where we can be found. We invite you to join us in person.

SoAP is not a production house, a collective, a sales agency, or a fixed company. This non-being enables us to offer different kinds of proposals within the cultural field. Our practice focuses on the connections between things and relates to what surrounds us, in a determined effort to keep flowing forward.

SoAP sees “adding on” as an active act, where we do not necessarily let go of everything we know but instead create space for what and who is unknown to us. We add ourselves— to an initiative, to an institution, to a festival, to another organization.