Soundings maart 2025

It will be called Soundings. Perhaps. Or maybe it’s certain. Yes. Let’s go for it.  Soundings it is. The title of the project that Rita Hoofwijk will be participating in. Soundings has been growing for ten years among Theun Mosk, Robert Wilson, Andreas Hirsch, Sense of Place, and the Groningen Wadden Coast.

Soundings – how does that translate? Clear tones, swirling twirls, resonances, surrounderings. And to Waddenish? Squish ping swoosh raaaaa frot plop.

Rita will go to Groningen in March to work on her sound, her contribution to the project. Soundings can be visited in May 2026 (make sure to bring a bike, as the works are scattered across the landscape. A swiftyswirly route will lead the way).