It started with Paulien wanting to go to Lourdes, but not being able to. Covid was rampant, it was a strange time to be alive. No. It started earlier. It started with Paulien’s partner entering into a psychosis.
“It began when you lit a candle and said I shouldn’t disturb you, that you were going to do something. And… The next evening, the same thing. It started happening more and more… More candles. And the hours I wasn’t allowed to disturb you grew longer.”
It began with loss and then took on the form of a film. One in which the viewer, together with Paulien, stares at human movements within a static setting. A man trims plants, a nun takes pictures with her phone. In the midst of people moving, Paulien casually speaks to the love she lost.
LourdesTV is showing this month. On February 17, the film will be presented at Hotel Mariakapel in Hoorn.