Edgelanders: Amsterdam on Trial

Humans (homo sapiens) have existed for 170,000 years.

In 1791, in France the idea emerged to create something that could be seen as a precursor to the modern passport.

170,000 – 1791 = 168,209 years

A small calculation shows us that humanity existed significantly longer without a passport than with it.

2025 – 1791 = 234 years

We live in the year 2025. Over the two centuries after its invention, the passport has become a life-defining thing. An ID card from one country gives its holder significantly more chances for a free, healthy, safe, and even luxurious life than one from another. And if you have no documents at all, life is incredibly hard in the modern world.

With Edgelanders: Amsterdam On Trial, Ehsan Fardjadniya and Raul Balai are filing a lawsuit against the Municipality of Amsterdam. The city is failing to meet its ethical and legal obligations toward undocumented people. Fardjadniya and Balai demand that the city takes its responsibility.

Edgelanders: Amsterdam On Trial consists of five chapters. The Indictment being the last. Throughout the month of February, you can see this work at Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond. 

Please take note! This fifth part takes on three different forms, all of which you can visit:

The Indictment: performance on February 1 and 2, as part of Festival Beyond the Black Box

The Indictment: installation during the festival, visible at the square in front of the cultural house.

The Indictment – Les Citoyens Actifs: installation from February 3 to February 28 in de Witte Zaal.

The Indictment – Le Colloque: symposium on February 28.Festival Beyond the Black Box is a program by Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond, in collaboration with Platform 0090, C-Takt, and SoAP Maastricht